Eamonn Madden Inspires
An inspiring and dynamic week at the University of Galway concluded in November, where Partridge Director Eamonn Madden engaged 250 first-year engineering students through the “Creative Response” assignment, a unique three-hour challenge designed to foster creativity in engineering by connecting analytical thinking with artistic expression. “Art in Engineering” was facilitated by Partridge for over 15 […]
Ask an Engineer (Informal CPD 1 point)
This is a less formal session which simply allows for an hour of our Managing Director’s time to accommodate ANY questions you and your team might have.
Trust me, I’m an engineer! (Formal Refuel CPD 1 point)
This presentation is a series of exciting case studies and slides on innovative design successes. How engineers and architects can collaborate to achieve outstanding and creative results.
The structural engineering implications of architectural design(Formal Refuel CPD 1 point)
The aim of the presentation is to address the architect’s frustration, using case study examples as their designs and visions are compromised by structural limitations, builders’ approaches, inflexible consultants, and site complexities.