The structural engineering implications of architectural design(Formal Refuel CPD 1 point)

The aim of the presentation is to address the architect’s frustration, using case study examples as their designs and visions are compromised by structural limitations, builders’ approaches, inflexible consultants, and site complexities. 

For example, why is it that some engineers insist on putting portal frames in houses?  Why do the basement walls have to be so thick?  Why can’t the 150mm thick concrete slab cantilever three metres?  Why can’t the builder achieve a Class 1 finish to the off-form concrete? Why can’t the penetration go through the beam?  

As well as answering the questions above, the presentation covers the following:

  • The collaboration of the engineer and architect earlier in the project, to ensure that the architect’s vision can be showcased as intended.
  • Clever co-ordination at the start of a project saving your client both time and money during the construction.
  • Engineering responses and physical outcomes prompted by architect’s details and decisions

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